editors-choice innovative transport

Goo Fast SS

Goo Fast SS
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We are a logistics company, which seeks innovation in technology, and quality in our service, through our application to provide a flexible solution for companies & carriers, who usually wish to integrate in a simple way mutually.

The perfect complement for any type of company or user that urgently needs to make or request a shipment from the comfort of your Smartphone.

Have technology that is available to any person or company in an organized way so that it is universally accessible and useful.

When registering the companies in our platform, will be part of the list of partners #GO, which will include clients such as: Transport, Companies and users, who seek to make shipments in their day to day, alerting of their different types of merchandise, from the most Light to the least usual.

The Courier and Parcel Service: It allows us to offer to the transportation that complement your trips in circuit, in any part of Mexico with this service is sought to improve the delivery times from documents to the most demanding deliveries.

This project requires a great investment, we want to expand to the whole country, have the necessary technology and staff to be able to register many GO partners, our development is in the final stage which has a cost of 100 thousand per month this ends in January, hence a monthly maintenance of 15 thousand pesos, this is to keep the app acutalizada and adaptable to the best technologies in the whole country and why not in the whole world.

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