Reddit Reddit reviews Programming Php

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4 Reddit comments about Programming Php:

u/mr_deleeuw · 3 pointsr/PHP

In my opinion, both PHP and Ruby can work well for this.

Were you to use PHP, I'd recommend a framework anyway, something along the lines of Laravel (my favorite at the moment).

This effectively gets you the same general framework tools that you would have using Ruby on Rails. I disagree that RoR would be "too much" for this project, it can be heavyweight, but it is that way to help you create your application faster, not because it has an over abundance of features.

The advantage of PHP is that there are a great deal more choices for hosting your project than with Ruby. That said, there are great choices for hosting Ruby as well - just not as many of them.

I would look at the two languages and get a sense of which you'd be more productive in off the bat. My guess is that would be PHP, because although more people are moving to using template engines like Twig, you can still mix PHP into HTML extremely easily In my opinion, that lets you experiment faster than you can with Ruby.

If you chose PHP, I'd recommend the PHP Cookbook - it's a touch older now, but it contains very helpful learn-by-solving-a-problem recipes that can get you familiar with the basics of the language quickly.

If you're a more academic learner, you might try the more rote Programming PHP - which covers a lot more basics, but doesn't solve as many problems. Still, teaches a lot of the core language.

From there I'd work through tutorials on whatever framework you chose so you can get a sense of the patterns that framework uses. In conjunction with building your core knowledge of PHP, you'll start moving pretty quickly.

u/nullrouteinroot · 1 pointr/Romania

Eu sunt în general împotriva tutorialelor, cel puţin pe partea de programare. E greu de urmărit şi nu prea are de-a face cu procesul de învăţare ci mai degrabă cu cel de înmagazinare a unor cunoştinţe.
Cel mai bine ar fi la început să începi să citeşti o carte/un articol despre concepte ale programării în general pentru ca apoi să te apuci de sintaxa unui anume limbaj. Plus că îţi trebuie determinare şi multă răbdare.

Odată ce ai prins basicul limbajului, recomandarea mea ar fi să te implici într-un proiect la care poţi contribui cu cod. Codul ăsta va suferi o grămadă de transformări pentru ca la final să nu mai semene deloc cu cel de la început. Ştiu, sună descurajator dar ăsta e procesul natural prin care îţi îmbunătăţeşti skillurile.

Dacă vrei neapărat tutorial video, singura mea recomandarea ar fi PHP with MySQL Essential Training
with Kevin Skoglund
, însă repet: nu mi se pare cea mai fericită metodă de a învăţa programare. Cele mai sfinte lucruri în PHP sunt: cărţile, practica şi!

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