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Best health & fitness alexa skills (according to Reddit)

Best health & fitness alexa skills according to redditors

We found 25 Reddit comments discussing the best health & fitness alexa skills. We ranked the 15 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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Top Reddit comments about Health & Fitness:

u/samm1t · 9 pointsr/amazonecho

Like /u/gpdudley mentioned, the skill is called Ask My Buddy and is pretty popular as far as skills go.

u/AlexaSkillsDev · 7 pointsr/flexibility

Being a programmer, I spend quite a bit of time in the chair as well. I find that is useful to do at least a little stretch for my back in the middle of the day and then at night as well. Yoga would be amazing too, but it is more time consuming and, unfortunately, my current gym does not have yoga classes so I just do the stretching.


If you are an Alexa owner, I actually wrote an Alexa skill called "Guided Workout: Stretch" just for stretching that covers main areas: neck, arms, back, hips. It is perfect for someone with a desk job and some of the stretches can be done sitting on the chair!

u/Richmond4Lovers · 2 pointsr/Zwift

https://zwifthacks.com/app/events/ does a nice job. And there is an Alexa skill that will give you the route, distance and elevation for each event if you say 'details' after the race summaries are read out. https://www.amazon.com/Michael-Hanney-The-Jarvis-Tree/dp/B07MDMK4HT

u/bboy917 · 2 pointsr/alexa

I think he made it available in the ENGLISH (GB) as well. I think you have to search for it in the uk version of amazon. I found it : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Trendee-AI-My-Fitness-Trainer/dp/B07C68HB3L/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1524025599&sr=8-1&keywords=my+fitness+trainer+skill

u/Mentize · 2 pointsr/alexa

>I’d like to make Alexa keep track of my todo list and keep my habits such as running, working out, studying, proud of my eating, meditating, waking up on time etc. Ideally I’d like to be able to see if a streak is active or how many days in the past week or month I’ve done it.

I'm not aware of any app/service where you can set your target for multiple activities or track historical actions, but according to Fitbit they can integrate with Alexa to tell you how many steps you are from your daily goal.


>I’d also like it to read me a todo list that I can knock off. Such as “what do I have due today/ this week” and tell it when I’m done so it can knock it off the list. Some of these things will be scheduled weekly (I can’t program it in the Alexa app) and some will be “one off situations”

Alexa already supports multiple "To-Do" lists, would have 2 lists work? 1 you use day-to-day, and a weekly one? Then you can ask Alexa "What is is on my (weekly) todo list" and she'll tell you what you have left, and control like using "Clear my (weekly) todo list" or "Take X off my todo list"


>Also, is there any way to make the dot to “remind you” but when you’re in the room to actually hear it and not gone elsewhere?

As far as I am aware, reminders come from the device you set them on. There is a setting in the Alexa app so that your phone get's a notification as well - Turn that on and keep your phone on you?

u/alotofpilates · 1 pointr/pilates
u/bluelily17 · 1 pointr/Alexa_Skills

Congrats on the skill development. I took a quick look and my only suggestion would be to give more of a description of what your skill does.

It might help to have a list of things you can ask it and what the basic purpose of the app is.

Here's an alexa skill with a nicely filled out description page: https://www.amazon.com/Seacloud-Software-Baby-Connect-activity/dp/B07LC3K2WJ

u/Aurora0002 · 1 pointr/amazonecho

You could use the Fast Watch skill:
> This stopwatch skill will allow you to time your workouts and be able to record easily how long it took you to perform an workout. Once started the skill will need to be interrupted by saying the WAKE word before asking for the time or to end the timer.

It just works as a stopwatch, which seems to be what you need. Say "Alexa, open Fast Watch" then "Time" to start, and "End" to stop.

u/Alwaystiredandmad · 1 pointr/amazonecho

Try enabling a skill like this: https://www.amazon.com/Sleep-Sounds-Ocean-Waves/dp/B07DSTBZH1/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=wave+sounds&qid=1573034951&s=digital-skills&sr=1-2


I think they will go straight to the sound with no preamble

u/aesthet · 1 pointr/technology

This kind of Lang processing can tell if you’re depressed to a significant degree- for instance.


u/dave42_com · 1 pointr/Alexa_Skills

Hi community! We built this small gong meditation skill. We built it for our daily meditation session at work. It's been up for three days and we already had ~300 unique users. It looks like we built something that is not only for us but others find it helpful as well.

BTW "we" are a small research and development team inside a bigger company that works completely independent from the rest of the organization.

We published the skill in the UK, US and back home in Germany:


We'd love to get some feedback on it. We have plans for it, such as enabling sessions longer than 60 mins and maybe adding background sound between the gongs. Is there something you'd like to see? If you encounter problems, we'd also like to hear it!

Cheers and thanks, guys!

edit: typo

u/eu_punk · 1 pointr/Alexa_Skills

Moin! Ich habe dir mal eine Rezension auf deiner Amazon-Seite dagelassen. Magst Du vielleicht auch mal bei mir vorbei schauen? https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sitewards-GmbH-gong-meditation/dp/B079J2RGN2 Das wäre total großartig! Danke.

Kleiner Tipp: Ich würde den Loop am Ende langsam ausfaden, damit fällt es nicht so stark auf wo er wieder von vorn anfängt. :)


u/TrinityAudio · 1 pointr/alexa

Ohh, that’s a good question.

Around the office, there’s a consensus that Headspace is one of the best when it comes to usefulness. In short, Headspace is a meditation skill that provides new meditation every day, as well as a sleep exercise to help you fall asleep easier or quicker, depending on how you look at it. It does wonders for relaxation and taking the stress out whenever there is a need to wind down. Plus, the unassuming sessions with plenty of time to concentrate on every part make it very easy to fit meditation into your daily schedule, however busy it might be.

As for the most interesting Alexa skills, it would have to be game skills. We found Westworld: The Maze (the game is curiously missing from the Alexa store) to be brilliant. It’s deeply immersive with roughly two hours of unique gameplay (it’s a maze, after all) so it will keep you enticed all the way. Plus, you don’t have to watch the show to be familiar with the setting and the atmosphere.

Make Me Smart is also a good one, offering something new on a daily basis about different topics such as economy, technology and popular culture. That’s just the type of skills we like.

In any case, if you're looking for some recommendations, we’ve tried many Alexa games. Actually, we try a lot of Alexa skills in our free time, trying to cover as much as possible. So far, we’ve also made a couple of posts on best productivity skills and best health and fitness skills for Alexa - I’m sure you’ll find some interesting. New skills are being added every month or so as we sift through the enormous Alexa skills landscape. Also - recommendations are welcome!