Best teen & young adult family fiction books according to redditors

We found 99 Reddit comments discussing the best teen & young adult family fiction books. We ranked the 66 resulting products by number of redditors who mentioned them. Here are the top 20.

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Top Reddit comments about Teen & Young Adult Family Fiction:

u/CryptidGrimnoir · 7 pointsr/suggestmeabook

You wanna have a good cry? Well...okay.

Grief and Loss

Bridge to Terabithia

Katherine Patterson's masterpiece is rightly remembered as one of the saddest books ever written for an elementary-aged audience. A young boy strikes up a friendship with his new neighbor, a girl his own age, bonding over the fact that their individual interests make them outsiders among their classmates. Together, they form a "kingdom" they christen "Terabithia" in the woods behind their houses. Tragically, the girl dies accidentally and the boy must what he's learned and move on.

Mick Harte Was Here

Notable in that the tragedy happens in the first act, this novel follows teenaged Phoebe as she struggles with the reality that her brother died in a bicycle accident.

On My Honor

Probably the shortest, but also arguably the most brutal, of these books. After promising his father he would only ride his bike out to the rocky ridge, Joel follows his daredevil friend Tony to the Vermillion River. Joel challenges Tony to a swimming race. Joel surfaces, Tony does not. And Joel must face their parents.

Just for You to Know

A young girl, the oldest in her large family, finds herself in over her head when her mother dies in childbirth.

The Man Who Loved Clowns

If somewhat dated, this tragic novel follows thirteen-year-old Delrita as she struggles to come to terms with not only her parents' untimely deaths in a car accident, but also her maternal uncle Punky, who has Down's Syndrome.

Turtle On A Fencepost

The sequel to The Man Who Loved Clowns follows Delrita as she tries to find her place in the world, and her desperation to connect with her Aunt Queenie. She finds a kindred spirit in an unexpected place.


Old Yeller

Fred Gibson's novel is more than a story about a boy and his dog. It is a story about a boy becoming a man, and how becoming a man is not easy at all.

Where the Red Fern Grows

Billy's quest to gain dogs, not just any dogs, but hunting hound dogs, is a classic and rightly so. The story of Billy, Old Dan and Little Ann is one that is not to be forgotten.


Phyllis Naylor's beloved quartet about a boy and his beagle was one of my favorites growing up. Marty's struggle to rescue Shiloh from the abusive Judd Travers is just the beginning, with later books exploring themes of faith and forgiveness.

Stone Fox

Young Willy must gather all his strength to win the National Dogsled Race and win desperately needed money for his grandfather's farm, with his beloved Searchlight as lead dog.

A Childhood Lost

These books are often similar to those under Grief and Loss but I felt that it was important to separate these as they feature heavy themes of racism, discrimination, and war.

The Watsons Go to Birmingham--1963

Told from the point-of-view of the bookish nine-year-old Kenny, the titular Watsons get into their fair share of misadventures in Flint, Michigan, but for the most part, things are relatively peaceful. The most strife comes from teenaged Byron. But a family trip to Birmingham flings the family head-on into the thick of the Civil Rights Movement, including the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing.

Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry

Let the Circle Be Unbroken

The Road to Memphis

These three books are part of a series, telling the story of an African-American girl named Cassie who grows up during the Great Depression in the Deep South and sees first-hand just how ugly Jim Crow can be.

Number the Stars

Lois Lowry's novel tells a dramatized version of the efforts of the Danish Resistance, with special emphasis on the evacuations to Sweden.


Call Me Hope

Twelve-year-old Hope struggles with the emotional abuse brought on by her mother and copes by "awarding points" for specific insults.

u/TK-DuVeraun · 3 pointsr/TrollXChromosomes

So I mostly review YA books because the entire purpose of the whole thing is to build an "online presence" so I can sell my own YA book, so if you're looking outside of that, I can't really help.

I really liked Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake (book 2 in the series was okay, book three was quite good, book 4 is not published yet). My review of it is here.

I recently published an audio/podcast version of my review for a bad book The Selection.

u/IShouldBeWorking25 · 3 pointsr/whatsthatbook

This Place Has No Atmosphere by Paula Danziger?

u/PCBreakdown · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

I am a huge series lover. I'm probably in the middle of about 300 different ones. I may have a problem letting characters and world go.

Sweet Peril is the second book in the Sweet Trilogy by Wendy Higgins. It's a YA series with a great twist on good vs. evil.

They should just promote you to your old bosses job. You already had to learn everything. Just sayin'.

u/zamoose · 2 pointsr/todayilearned

I dunno. I'm betting it's because it's somehow strongly nostalgic for me -- it readily reminds me of my parents reading aloud to me as a kid. The Chronicles of Narnia, in particular, stick out to me as high points in my childhood listening experience. (Btw, if you haven't heard the Narnia series as read by Kenneth Branagh, Lynn Redgrave, Jeremy Northam, Derek Jacobi, Michael York, Alex Jennings, and Sir Patrick Stewart -- you simply must.)

I think if you enjoy radio productions, you'll likely enjoy Dale more, but if you like the idea of a famous person/great voice just reading you a story, Fry is where it's at.

(Also recommended: Neil Gaiman reading his Graveyard Book himself. NOT the "full cast" version, but just Neil himself. link )

EDIT: Correct link syntax

u/SonuvaPreacher · 2 pointsr/books

Tender Morsels was a brutal yet cathartic take on the typically watered down territory of YA fantasy.

u/smartalice11 · 2 pointsr/childrensbooks

Hello in There!: A Big Sister's Book of Waiting (Growing Hearts)

u/[deleted] · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon
  1. gray item. because who doesn't need to keep a pack of Gatorade strapped to your back! [on wishlist]

    2)its cheep and it will help you sleep, I think its pretty awesome! I love sleeping with the rain!

    3)these are soo freaking awesome! little tablets that change your taste buds! I got them once and was able to eat a whole lemon and it tasted sweet and just like lemon aid! really cool experience!

  2. this is for my dad because he is really into with the number pi right now. [on wishlist]

  3. my girlfriend wants to read it! [on wishlist]

    6)cheep and good looking!!

    7)come on, if you had an iphone you know you would want it.

  4. i thought this would be awesomely cool and make my room real awesome looking! control the lighting from your phone!!! [on wishlist]

  5. because it is very well done! [on wishlist]

  6. well its a Katana and its a silent kill and wont attract more zombies! [on wishlist]

  7. from what I've heard this book has some great philosophy in it, and its by the man that holds my favorite quote. “Today is victory over yourself of yesterday; tomorrow is your victory over lesser men.”
    ― Miyamoto Musashi

  8. i hate using batteries so this is a must! [on wishlist]

  9. Im a big zombie fan and i am supper hype for this game!! [on wishlist]

  10. put your bread in this!!!

  11. the evil tron! perfect for spooky pranks! [on wishlist]

  12. Sex Panther. 60% of the time, it works every time

  13. id consider this a toy, though I'm not sure how they would feel about it at work! [on wishlist]

  14. having this Pen is like having a second brain!

  15. i LOVE one piece and i just started watching it again after a long break! [on wishlist]

  16. its a shirt that lights up when you are near a wifi source!! Its so awesome! [on wishlist]

    Made in Oregon!!

    Fear cuts deeper than swords.

    (Sorry that the links are not compressed idk how to do it, and I'm on mobile =\ hope its not a problem)
    Thanks for the Awesome Contest!!!

    Edit: Updated!
    2nd Edit: #18
u/bfm211 · 2 pointsr/GilmoreGirls

There were actually official books written from Rory's perspective, here's one and you can find links to others on the page:

Edit. Here's one written by ASP herself:

u/kaeorin · 2 pointsr/tipofmytongue

If it wasn't Wait Till Helen Comes, could it have been Deep and Dark and Dangerous by the same author? That was my first thought. Did the little girl ghost in the story kind of make the protagonist uncomfortable?

u/velvet_crowbar · 2 pointsr/tipofmytongue
u/MeriDianeMeri · 2 pointsr/kindle

Just finished Uprooted by Naomi Novik for the second time. It’s a fairytale/fantasy book, and I love the mysterious world it is set in. Medieval with magic.

I just started The Hazel wood by Melissa Albert , which I hope has the same fairytale/fantasy feel, eventhough it’s set in modern times.

u/CarrotReaper · 2 pointsr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

This was so much fun! Thanks for posting :)

1 [Something Blue](Playshoes 408566 Girl's Rain Coat Blue 5-6 Years In Scotland April Showers don’t just finish in April! At all points of the year we can expect anything from a light drizzle to torrential rain!

2 Something that says summer. Watermelons totally make me think of summer, and sippy cups are perfect to keep bugs out of your drinks in the summer!

3 food related. A carrot sharpener! I saw these in a local store and couldn’t stop laughing at the thought of someone wanting a really sharp carrot.

4 a gift for someone else. My fiancé is obsessed with this album and I recently bought him a record player so I think he would love having it in this format too!

5 book suggestion. So I don’t know what types of books you are into but this is a YA Fantasy. It follows three sisters who were each born with a power. Now that they are of age, they must use their powers to kill their other sisters and become queen! It’s pretty kick ass :)

6 under $1. Okay so I’m from Scotland and I don’t know if this actually works out to be less than $1 but it is less than £1 so I hope that counts!! And they are really cute :)

7 Doggo related. My spaniel loves things like this! And I think it would work for any dog :)

8 useless but awesome. I’d love for my cats to wear this around Christmas!! Although they’d probably break it within a second haha.

9great movie The LOTRs! Great friendships, a lot of laughs and just a fab story. My all time favourite films!

10Zombie attack. I’m going to be the type of person who hides during the apocalypse and hope for the best! So I think if I find somewhere with some water nearby I could kinda camp out for a while!

11 complete goals. My main goal right now is to be more organised, and to do more creative things. I want to have fun and do more hobbies. So I think a diary where I can be creative and plan all my spare time would be great!

12 add on. WHY ARE PENS ALWAYS ADD ONS????!!!!

13 fandom. This would match my Alice tattoo! And who doesn’t need a purse :)

14 super expensive Jesus!! Who knew you could buy such expensive rings on amazon??

15 sharks or unicorns. Shark cat bed! I can only imagine how my two would react this this haha!

16 wonderful smell. I love this candle! Probably my favourite smell ever!

17 cool toy. I couldn’t find the game I always wanted as a kid, mostly because I couldn’t really remember what it was called! Although here is a Jared Funko pop that I’ve been eyeing up for months!

18 helpful for writers. I thought this was kinda cool. It gives tips on how to get out of writers block as well as mix up characters!

19 current obsession. Musicals are my currently my favourite obsession (see what I did their RHPS fans?)!

20 weird!. I’m just really not sure why these would ever be needed but at the same time I really want a pair haha!

u/charlierb3 · 2 pointsr/tipofmytongue

This Place Has No Atmosphere by Paula Danzinger:

u/jojewels92 · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

This would be super helpful for when I do study abroad!

I have been dying to read Never Fall Down since the guy who the book is about did an AMA.


Thanks for the contest!

u/OvidNaso · 1 pointr/movies

I don't know if there is a bear in Brave, but if there is, Tender Morsels

u/S287 · 1 pointr/tipofmytongue

This the one? It's got like a skipping game/rhyme in it.

u/big_red737 · 1 pointr/books

That may have been the one called "The Fear Street Saga" trilogy

Book 1 - The Betrayal

Book 2 - The Secret

Book 3 - The Burning

I always liked the stand alone books like The Cheater or The Wrong Number and the Super Chillers because they were extra long. My favorite was probably Silent Night. I also liked the 99 Fear Street Series or all the books in the Fear Street Cheerleaders series.

When I was in 6th grade, one time the Scholastic book order had this monthly club you could sign up for. Every month they would send you 2 Fear Street books and some other Fear Street/R.L. Stine merchandise like stickers, buttons, or bookmarks, things like that. When I first started, it was great. They would send me the latest one that just came out that month and one of the previous older ones. I did this for a really long time, many many months and built up quite a collection of Fear Street books. However, I think they started running out of books to send me because it ended up becoming they would send me the latest Fear Street and then some other "horror" novel, like non-Fear Street R.L. Stine books, a Christopher Pike book or something like Twins by Caroline B. Cooney. I had so many of these books I was like my own library. After awhile though, the books they were sending got shittier and shittier and they were sending me stuff like some Ichabod Crane/Sleepy Hallow type book and I ended up stopping the monthly book club. Then, a few years later, my mother sold most of them at a yard sale. Now I'm really wishing she had kept them, I would have taken them back. Which is why, I bought a bunch of them again! Now I want to go read a Fear Street book...

u/MidwestMemories · 1 pointr/Parenting

Hello in there, a big sisters book of waiting. It shows the mommy's belly growing and it has a flap and there's a baby underneath!

u/nlwric · 1 pointr/BabyBumps

My girl will be a little over 2 when her sister is born. We've been reading her this book from day 1 but she doesn't get it yet. We talk a lot about her sister, how there's a baby in mommy's belly, how she'll be a big sister soon, etc. It's not registering at all. But I expect one day it'll click. Even if it doesn't I don't want to sensor myself or other people around her so I'm just making it a part of our lives even though she won't be here for months. There are going to be a lot of changes for her before baby arrives - moving to her big girl room and out of the crib/nursery, getting rid of her pacifiers, moving to the 2 year old room at daycare. I'm hoping that by talking about everything long before it happens it'll make for an easier transition.

u/noeashly · 1 pointr/IAmA

Same here! The sagas were my favorite. Especially this one. Man, I loved those books!

The scene where the matriarch and patriarch drink blood together has always stuck with me.

u/Meripie · 1 pointr/books
  • White Cat - Holly Black
  • 8/10
  • Fantasy/crime/mystery/YA
  • I think a lot of the bashing The Hunger Games has taken for being first person present tense is giving that style a bad name. This is an excellent example of it with a tightly knitted, gritty plot and some good twists. Don't be put off by the YA tag. In my eyes the only things that make it YA are that the protagonists are 17/18 and it's a pretty quick read.
  • Amazon UK
u/SirLanceABoil · 1 pointr/whatsthatbook

It's not White Cat is it?

u/MechAngel · 1 pointr/books

How old is your nephew? Does he prefer books on modern or historic soldiery/warfare? There are a few adult books (like The Things They Carried) I read as a teen that I really enjoyed, but I wouldn't give them to anyone younger than 15 or 16. There are also several juvie books (like My Brother Sam is Dead or Under the Blood Red Sun)that are fantastic reads, but they're mostly historical fiction.

Right now I'm reading The Things a Brother Knows which is shaping up to be excellent, but I'm not nearly far enough along to officially recommend it.

u/DaveIsMyBrother · 1 pointr/tipofmytongue

My Brother Sam is Dead is set during the Revolutionary War.

April Morning seems to be more in line with what you decribe. Here is wikipedia's description.

Across Five Aprils is set around the Civil War.

u/FairyPoeline · 1 pointr/Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

So it goes

The Scorpio Races

Maggie Stiefvater is one of my favorite authors, I read her Wolves of Mercy Fall series and I just amnfowaivnfwf - I want to read all her books now and this one is next on my extensive list.

I just picked up a book called The Farm and it's really good so far.

u/ach_wirklich · 1 pointr/whatsthatbook
u/orangebranch · 1 pointr/tipofmytongue

Was it This Place Has No Atmosphere?

I don't remember the part about the eyelashes, but it's been a while since I've read it.

u/MajorEyeRoll · 1 pointr/GilmoreGirls