2×5 Smooth Pillar Candle 100% Pure Beeswax

June special…enjoy… In Canada, all orders over $35 cad (before taxes and shipping) get free shipping, by using coupon code gamsjuneship. In usa, all orders over $35 usd (before taxes and shipping) get free shipping automatically! These specials expire June 30, 2020 We hope you stay safe and ‘bee’ well…cathy, Paul, the boys & Gammy <3 __ This is our lovely 2"x5" Smooth Pillar Candle. This 100% beeswax candles burns for approximately 60+ hours. Candle Care: This candle is perfect for burning 1-3 hours at a time and requires a heat resistant plate. Trim wick to 1/4" before lighting and may need to be trimmed as it's lit (so, extinguish, trim and relight). To extinguish candle, use a metal tool to dunk the wick into the melted wax. Make sure you push the wick up for easy relighting. For even burning, ensure holder is on a level and sturdy surface, plus there are no drafts in the room. Remember: Never leave a lit candle unattended!
