Amscaps – the best way to measure liquids

Hi, My name is Matt Battle. My company AMS LLC designed a cap that measures just about ANY liquid you can imagine for you and it does it with complete accuracy! SIMPLE TO USE: Just turn, press, fill and dispense! ACCURATE: Our cap makes it simple: it dispenses the right amount, every time. REUSABLE: Many conventional measuring devices wear down and markings disappear. Our cap is durable, reusable, and reliable. Yes, it’s really that simple!

Children are especially vulnerable to unintentional overdoses from over-the-counter and prescription medications used for consumers of all ages.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Data

Over 70,000 emergency department (ED) visits result from unintentional medication overdoses among children under the age of 18.
One out of every 151 two-year-olds is treated in an ED for an unintentional medication overdose.
Over 80% of ED visits among children under the age of 12 are due to unsupervised children taking medications on their own and 10% of ED visits in this age group are due to medication errors.
Over-the-counter medications are involved in approximately one-third of ED visits among children under the age of 12.
Another serious problem is Acetaminophen toxicity

Acetaminophen, used for treating pain and fever, is one of the most common active ingredients in the United States. The 2004 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers Toxic Exposure Surveillance System indicated 133,125 exposures to acetaminophen and combination products containing acetaminophen. Of these, there were 218 deaths, almost half of which were due to ingestions of combination products. This is certainly an underestimation of the morbidity and mortality related to acetaminophen overdose, but the number speaks to the magnitude of the problem.

See the 2014 Annual Report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers’ National Poison Data System (NPDS)

We are making serious efforts to solve the problems of unintentional drug overdoses among children and adults whether its due to over-the-counter (OTC) or prescription (Rx) liquid medications.

I have several packaging companies interested in buying this product at the moment. However all I have is prototypes samples. Anytime you get into prototypes that need to hold liquid it gets costly and difficult to make in a “prototype state”. The next step would be to tool up the design. Tooled parts would be production ready and function as designed.

The money will be used as followed:

*$19,770 – Production Tooling (Making it).

This innovation means everything to me! There is no greater feeling in life than doing what you love and making a real life impact in peoples lives. Upon funding I will be able to deliver a quality production sample to you as well as the several interested packaging companies. Thank you for taking the time to read this campaign, together we can help save lives!
