Who wouldn’t hate to clean the wires of a normal balloon whisk? Thick mixtures get stuck to the inner side of the wires, proving difficult to wipe off. Rinsing the whisk with just water is not the most hygienic cleaning solution. User-friendly Magisso Balloon Whisk is easy to wash. The handle – held together by magnets – of the Magisso Balloon Whisk splits into two, unfurling the stainless steel wires so they can be thoroughly wiped and cleaned. The concept of the Balloon Whisk received the red dot: best of the best award in 2011.
Oculus Rift Development Kit Dk2 (second development kit version)
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Built-In Latency Tester
Positional Tracking Precise, low-latency positional tracking opens the door to entirely new interactive and gameplay opportunities. Great positional tracking is a key requirement for virtual reality; with it, the Rift can accurately map all of your real world head movements.
Low Persistence OLED Display DK2 uses a low persistence OLED display to eliminate motion blur and judder, two of the biggest contributors to simulator sickness. Low persistence makes the scene appear visually stable, increasing the potential for presence.