Bungalow Pendant by Mariana Mengote

Bungalows typically have simple detached single-story, floor plans. Most incorporate covered verandas of some sort and relatively clean shallow roof-lines.

This pendant is a precise architectural model of the iconic Bungalow house style. Scaled down 1/64″=1′ from a real house size, this pendant could accommodate a family, if its scaled back up to life-size.

The state of the art technology of stereolithography, also known as 3d printing is combined with the ancient process of lost wax casting to give this pendant the precise detail that gives it character. The untreated and bead-blasted finish will allow for the pendant to age gracefully with time as it naturally patina.

Design by Mariana Mengote

Sterling Silver
Made in Seattle
This pendant is made to scale 1/64″ = 1′
Polish with soft cloth as needed
