Cancun Outdoor Rug

The classic striped pattern of the Cancun rug makes it easy to incorporate into any room, while the array of vibrant hues makes it a best seller. The multicolored straws are carefully blended together to create a unique pattern every time. These beautifully crafted rugs are made following the fair trade principles. Fab Rugs add a touch of elegance to your home decor. They are made using premium quality recycled plastic straws which are tightly woven together to offer strength, softness and beauty. Being plastic, moisture will have no effect on the mat and it will not attract mildew.

Woven from straws made up of recycled plastic
Washable, just shake or hose off for easy cleaning
Reversible, change the look of your decor
Suitable for indoor and outdoor uses; for outdoor uses; Lightweight: Comes with Eco-friendly jute bag
*Actual colors and size may vary from the image(s) shown due to manufacturing limitations
