If you tend to carry a lot of credit cards, ID cards and a chunk of cash then this card wallet will easily hold it all. It can even store your spare change securely. The Leather Card Wallet was designed to fit into a front pocket, or be slipped into a bag or purse to help organize your goods. Keep up to 20 cards and your wad of cash safe with high quality leather sourced from the top tannery in the U.S. Mr. Lentz cuts, brands, stamps, dyes, oils and waxes and assembles each leather card wallet by hand.
Every credit card wallet comes with a tin of Mr. Lentz Spiff N’ Shine – a conditioner meant to keep high quality leather goods in high quality shape. Personalization is done by stamping your name or initials into the wallet right above the numbers on the interior. Your name or initials will be placed in between two western style diamond marks. The Leather Card Wallet measures 4.25 inches wide x 2.5 inches tall x 0.75 inches deep on the exterior (108mm x 64mm x 19mm).