Caruso Gramophone Music Cabinet

Some say it’s the best home sound system by Caruso Miniforms Music Player

A cabinet equipped with a latest generation Hi-Fi sound system.

It almost feels ritual, sitting down, with soft light, and pressing play on your smartphone. Then letting vibrations do their thing. It sounds amazing or your money back, take our word for it.

Caruso invites you to sit down, take a break, and find again the magic to hear and see an object that plays good music. It stands on the edge of irony, a little futuristic, a little nostalgic, managing to combine hi-tech to the living for a multi-sensory décor.

This cool mid-century looking cabinet and HI-FI audio system is multi-functional, as evident at very first glance. With its retro-looking speakers it pays Homage to the old gramophones that were common between the 19 th and 20th century, the age of Caruso, the world known Italian tenor from whom it derives its name. However, it is equipped with a 4.0 Bluetooth connection, that is the state of the art in the field. Available in a variety of finishes to fit any environment.

The colour finishes are made from solid Walnut and painted and lacquered in white, black or grey.

Two wood finishes available in natural Oak or Walnut.

Limited Edition Gold Gramophone available in Real plated GOLD.
