Code to Happiness Pint Glass

Geeks love to drink. It’s no secret. This gift for geeks pint class has the code for the perfect beer: a little bit of head, a large body, and a closing tag ending in 16 ounces. If you’re playing on the PC, console, or watching e-sports, this glass is the perfect pair to make sure you have a great night. Any gamer in your life will appreciate the Code to Happiness as a gift. Every gift for geeks pint glass is dishwasher safe, 6” tall and has a 3” diameter. A brother, boyfriend, husband, or even your dad never needs to be without their favorite gift for geeks pint glass.

Great for birthdays and holidays for any geek in your life
Looks great resting in front of a monitor or waiting on the table when you need to hit pause
Each of our Code to Happiness Gift for Geeks pint glasses is dishwasher safe
Measures 6” tall with a 3” diameter, holds 16 oz
