Data Cotton Bow Tie

The benefits of learning trigonometry may not be apparent in your day to day, but learning to tie The Data Science Bow Tie will pay dividends every time you wear it. Released on the 200th Anniversary of the birth of dapper mathematician George Boole, The Data will attract compliments from all sorts, act as a cheat sheet (albeit a very focused one), and position you attractively to others due to instant geek status.

These are self-tie bow ties for the bow tie purist, however, they come tied and are adjustable for the non-Jedi. Of course, to mix it up you’ll need to know/learn how to tie a bow tie. The truth is it’s easy to learn (thank you YouTube), and worth the 15 minutes, given the number one question people ask bow tie wearers is… ‘did you tie that yourself?’
We hope you like compliments.
