Decibullz Custom Fit Earplugs

Decibullz Custom Molded Earplugs are easily and quickly fitted to the exact shape of your ear. This creates a perfect fitting earplug that will never hurt, never fall out and provide superior noise isolation.Simply heat the Decibullz thermoplastic molds in boiling water, let them cool for a bit, and shape them to your ears. That’s it, and If you don’t get the perfect fit the first time Decibullz are the only custom earplugs that are re-moldable. Decibullz are perfect for shooting, traveling, swimming, loud concerts, and musicians.

NRR 31 The highest rated custom earplug you can buy
The first fully re-moldable custom earplug
Easily and quickly molded to your ears using hot water
Perfect for shooting, traveling, swimming, musicians, concerts,
Won’t fall out or become uncomfortable
