The DefenderPad is a unique and pioneering solution that provides ultimate safety while using today’s modern mobile technology. Incredibly sleek and functional by design, it offers a comfortable and convenient workspace.
More importantly, the FCC certified lab-tested DefenderPad blocks virtually 100% of all potentially harmful Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) and greatly reduces heat emitted by laptops, tablets and other electronic devices.
The DefenderPad Virtually Eliminates:
– Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Radiation
– Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation (WiFi, Bluetooth etc.)
– Heat Radiation
Why DefenderPad?
The DefenderPad is the perfect size to use at home or on the go. Its light and slim profile easily slips into computer bags, briefcases and backpacks for easy portability.
The protective technology and stylish design of DefenderPad makes it an ideal replacement for other lap devices like lapdesks, lap trays, laptop tables and laptop cooling pads.
How Does it Work?
The state-of-the-art, patent pending technology of DefenderPad uses highly advanced shielding materials that work in unison to block, divert and absorb unsafe levels of laptop and other electronic device emissions.
Just by placing The DefenderPad between your device and your lap, you can feel secure knowing you are protected anywhere, anytime with the all-in-one laptop radiation and heat shield.
FCC Certified Lab-Tested
Blocks Virtually 100% of Laptop Radiation
Smooth, Thermal Resistive Surface
Super Slim & Lightweight
Made in USA