
Didgeridoo’s by Jennahfly Spiral

Didgeridoo’s by Jennahfly  Spiral
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Didgeridoo’s by Jennahfly – Proudly Made in the usa! These beautiful, Bamboo Didgeridoos are an all natural, sustainable, and eco-friendly musical instrument based on the Didgeridoos that have been made by the aboriginal peoples of Australia and date back some 40,000 years. i harvest my bamboo in a responsible way to insure future generations can enjoy this beautiful, natural resource. When you purchase a Jennahfly Didgeridoo you are buying straight from me, the artist, no middle man, no distributor. This Japanese bamboo was planted by by my late grandmother around 1931 on the family farm where it has flourished for the past 80 years. The poles are carefully selected for just the right size and thickness. They are then cut down, dragged to the roasting area and cut to rough length. After very carefully roasting the poles over a very hot fire to cure they are allowed to cool. Then they are cut to their final length, the artwork is first burned in with a torch then the highlights are added by hand with white paint. Finally they are custom fitted with a 100% beeswax mouthpiece. From start to finish each bamboo Didgeridoo takes about a week to complete.

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