Eccentric Area Rug

This hanging, overlapping rug design originated as a 9,000 sq. foot customized rug for a grand corridor. The unique rug was meant to symbolize an embracing welcome to the group who gathered within the area, with the nesting circles within the sample referencing conventional symbolism for the cycle of life and eternity. The rug design was additionally conceived of as a metaphor for a basket.

The banding and radiating linear parts evoke the weave of a basket, which, just like a group middle, depends on interwoven particular person members for power. Reinterpreted with heat and vibrant colours, and made out there to you in 4 sizes (5′ x eight, 6′ spherical, eight’ spherical, and eight’ x 10′) and 4 colours (sable/darkish sable, inexperienced/sable, orange/pink, and blue/purple), our Eccentric rugs will create a convivial centerpiece for any room in your house.

100% wool
100% hand-tufted wool
Non-toxic, AZO-free dyes
Recycled cotton backing
All notNeutral rugs are GoodWeave licensed and made with out using glues, adhesives, pesticides, hearth retardants, or chemical sprays of any sort.
Since 1994 GoodWeave has rescued almost four,000 baby laborers and prevented hundreds extra from carpet work. More than 10,600 rescued and at-risk youngsters have acquired a totally sponsored schooling, because of GoodWeave and its supporters. But many extra youngsters are nonetheless exhausting at work, solely hoping to learn, play and study. Your buy of a GoodWeave licensed rug may also help save them.
