The Enigma by Fanimation is the star of the ceiling fan world that made its Hollywood debut in the movie I, Robot. The Enigma won the coveted role of featured ceiling fan because of its futuristic look and mass appeal. Unlike traditional ceiling fans that use multiple blades to move air, the Enigma uses just one sleek blade to produce a powerful airflow.
The Enigma comes in a metro gray finish and a limited edition iridescent red/blue finish. In addition to being a Hollywood star, the Enigma is also an environmentally conscious fan. The Enigma operates on three counter clockwise fan speeds and accommodates a ceiling slope up to 30 degrees. The Enigma is also rated for both dry and damp locations.
Energy efficient
60-Inch blade sweep with 18-Degree blade pitch and 188 x 18 motor
Uses just one sleek blade to produce a powerful airflow and comes with 220-Volt Bulb
Downrod Length: 6-Inch x 0.5-Inch
Operates on three counter clockwise fan speeds and accommodates a ceiling slope up to 30-Degree