
F*ckboy Tears Gin Liqueur

F*ckboy Tears Gin Liqueur
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When he doesn’t believe in labels, starts speaking to you after months of silence, sends you ‘you up?’ or ‘Wyd? xx’ at 2 am, begs for nudes and says all his exes are crazy… He’s a fuckboy. You don’t deserve that. So we made them cry, then we bottled their sadness. All that sweet retribution turned their salty tears into a juicy passionfruit and mango flavoured glittery gin liqueur. It’s the perfect partner for prosecco, tonic water and a slice of grapefruit. Swirl their tears around your glass to unlock a torrential wash of holographic shimmer, knowing no fuckboy is gonna mess you around again. Warning: drinking too much of this may lead to rogue ex-texting. Be on your guard.

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