Felt Pet Teepee

Pets deserve everything and yet they need so little to survive and be happy. For their unconditional love, only the simple things are required from you. And if you want to repay that  love, buying a the Felt Pet Teepee will be just the perfect gift for your furry friend.

Felt Pet Teepee is the safe place for your furry friends

Even though your home is construct which your pets can feel safe and call  their own, they need a private place of their own as well.

Just like humans have their rooms to retreat, pets need a place to retreat to when they are tired or just need time alone (of course that never happens!).

Most pets have their beds, but it is not exactly an enclosure. But the felt pet teepee can change the situation, especially if you also throw in this PetAmi dog blanket.

A tepee provides a tent like enclosure where your pet can rest or just hang out.

You can choose to keep their beds underneath it so that it can sleep with a ‘roof’ above its head, or you can choose to fill it with the pet’s favorite toys.

Some pets can choose to stay in and just observe its ‘world’ around and it. Can be a wonderful place to go and hide when you have guests in the house that your pet isn’t fond of(my cat is definitely not fond of guests!)

Design and dimensions

  • The tent is handmade out of felt and it has a cushion which is filled with silicone granulate. Some pets are happy to use that as their bed as well.
  • The cushion case is removable and it can be washed so that your pet can sleep on a clean and fresh cushion.
  • The poles of the tepee are made of wood to give a sturdy structure.
  • The dimensions of the tepee are 60” x 60” x 90”.

For a small to a medium sized pet, the Felt Pet Teepee is perfect for your furry companion. The felt material of the tepee and the soft cushion will invite your pet to a feeling of comfort and safety. And that should be every pet owner’s sole goal.
