Fifty Shades of Bacon

Benjamin Myhre’s love of food and popular culture has culminated in a passion for Bacon and is the fire that sparked this book. While Ben loves Bacon, he also enjoys home canning, innovating his homemade pizzas and home brewing. Outside of cooking, Ben works in the technology industry, reads comic books, gets geeky about Star Wars, tries to make it to the gym to work off all the delicious food as well as blogging about popular culture on the internet.

He lives in Fargo with his lovely wife, Ashley, his dog Charlie and three cats he lovingly calls “cat.” Jenna Johnson’s love of cooking, food, photography, and Bacon has helped her create a successful food blog called She is married to her wonderful husband Ben and two cute furball children Colin and Jerry Lee. Ben gets to sample all the recipes and ideas Jenna has created for her blog and sometimes the children do too. She resides in Fargo and met Ben Myhre through a friend, Ashley Myhre.
