Gecko/Lizard Hammock

Do you have a scaly child of your own that you love to spoil to death? Do you sometimes get teased by friends and family because lets face it; your cold blooded baby lives the life of a prince/princess? What better gift gift to give your reptile than a fashionable hammock for them to lounge in? This particular hammock is great for Crested Geckos, Gargoyle Geckos, Day Geckos, and any other arboreal gecko or lizard of the same size. If you put the hammock close enough to the ground, your Leopard Geckos or other small terrestrial reptile would gladly climb on to it. These hammocks are washing machine safe, however don’t put them in the dryer; They will shrink. Let them Air dry. To help your hammock stick, put a little water on the suction cups and press onto the glass/acrylic/plastic of your baby’s cage. The water helps the cups stay put. Another tip is to keep the suction cup and area where you are placing it completely clean. The suction cups we purchase are advertised to withstand 1 pound. There are many designs in which you can pick which ever you like down in the variations option! disclaimer: Each hammock will look different, depending on the cut of the fabric!
