HANG-OVER: Creative Modular Hangers

HANG-OVER is a modular hanging system designed to organize accessories creatively and to save space by hanging vertically!

Is it hard to organize accessories? Do they get lost in the crowd, or in the darkness of your closet? Is it hard to reach all the way in the back, to pull it off? We introduce you HANG-OVER, the modular hanging system designed to give freedom to create personal configurations according to what you have and what you need. More hangers can be added to the desired layout when necessary, and subtracted when not, to organize all accessories efficiently.

You can use them to hang your scarves, belts, bags, jewelry and whatever else you imagine in a vertical layout, to see every item at a glance, and to save space. HANG-OVER hangers take advantage of the vertical space by hanging one on another, and make everything visible and reachable. Why store scarves, belts, bags, jewelry separately? Going back and forth trying to figure out what to wear with what is a big waste of time! With HANG-OVER hangers, you can simply hang your matches together.
