Hatching Virtual Pet Candle

The humble Tamagotchi. The original virtual pet, the biggest toy craze of the ’90s, egg shaped, cute, and eventually slightly annoying. You may not have time to cater to the whims of a needy pixelated creature anymore, but you’ve definitely got time to burn an aesthetically on-point candle. Simply set fire to the wick and relax – the wax will melt away to reveal one of three different Tamagotchi characters inside! Which one will you get? It’s completely random, so don’t pin all your hopes on any one in particular. Luckily they’re all cute, so it doesn’t really matter. Unlike a real Tamagotchi, the pet you get is not determined by how well you take care of it. It’s all well and good using your fancy wick trimmer and drip collection tray, that doesn’t mean you’re guaranteed a Mametchi.
