Heat Resistant Microwavable Bowl Holder

  • microwave and washing machine safe. The heat resistant fabric material will not get hot so it protects your hands from heated plates, bowls and other dishes. Easily clean in the washer between uses.
  • hold hot bowls or mugs safely and comfortably. Take your soup or leftovers out of the microwave instantly and eat your food while still hot instead of waiting until able to touch and carry the dish’, “doubles as a coaster to protect furniture surfaces. Place your hot dish on even the most fragile wooden table tops with confidence knowing you won’t leave a ring or damage your paint, stain or finish.
  • ‘great gadget for all ages. Perfect for kids with small, delicate fingers, college students in a rush to heat their ramen or easy mac between classes, seniors who want something easier to hold and more
  • works on cold containers too. We like to eat ice cream and frozen yogurt straight from the pint too. Protect your hands from freezing and your dessert from melting by using a bowl holder.