HipStar: The World’s Best Hands-Free Travel Cart

There’s nothing quite like outdoors. With your boots tied tight, a backpack, and wind in your hair, you’ve got nowhere to go but up.
We are developing the HipStar™, a product that will change the way hikers, campers, backpackers move by literally taking the weight off their shoulders.

The HipStar™ is a project of our passion in striving to help people achieve full mobility with only the power of two legs and accomplish physical feats they never thought possible – no matter if they’re young or old. It will be an affordable way to make travels more enjoyable.

This crowdfunding campaign aims to make HipStar™ available for everyone who needs a luggage buddy they can trust!

We’ve been developing the HipStar for quite some time now with the help of my family, friends, and colleagues. Nevertheless the most important contribution is support of our backers and potential customers!

We felt it was the right time to open it to the Kickstarter community to help receive feedback and raise the funds to get our project off the ground.

We have the team to get the job done: product designers, business developers, manufacturing, branding, and marketing specialists.

The next step is product design, testing, and mass production. This is where we need help in reaching the finish line and launching the HipStar to make it available to millions of people who are looking for a versatile and effective companion while they are on the go.

Your voices mean a lot to us, and we would love to hear your suggestions.

Together, we can make it happen!
