HomeMate: Assisted Autonomy Project for Autistic People

HomeMate aims to create intelligent environments to foster the autonomy of autistic people.

HomeMate helps with managing daily life but offers far more than a virtual home-help.

HomeMate adapts to the personal habits and goals of autistic people in order to foster the development of autonomy and improve quality of life.

Each autistic person will receive follow-up from an expert, the “Life Mentor”, who is able to establish routines and goals. HomeMate activity will be set and managed by the “Life Mentor”.

HomeMate will support autistic people at many times in their everyday lives:

• Virtual secretary: Recalling appointments and daily routines (going shopping, taking medication, …);

• Supporting leisure time management: for people with autism, free time can easily become a “void” if left unstructured. HomeMate will suggest leisure activities in line with personal preferences;

• Household management and security (switching lights on and off, adjusting the temperature in the house, …);

• Planning meals to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet;

• Other related support.

HomeMate will alert support or emergency services should danger arise, such as in the event of:

• Falls;

• Absence of movement detected;

• Gas leaks or fires;

HomeMate may also intervene in the event of behaviour that is potentially harmful or not in line with set life goals, such as:

• Watching TV until late at night;

• Playing music at too high a volume;

• Going to bed too late;

HomeMate is not controlling or a strict authority figure.

HomeMate approach will be flexible, seeking to allow maximum personal freedom. The “Life Mentor” will program HomeMate in a way that respects the individual’s desire for self-determination. Our goal is to garantee autistic people an autonomy, assisted by technology.

The person can interact with the HomeMate with voice commands using an app installed on a tablet or a smathphone.
