Isolation Mystery Box

All over the world, millions of human connections and special occasions are being reduced to awkward and very underwhelming video calls. Or worse, completely passing us by. Well not any more, not on our watch! We’ve been delivering moments of joy and escapism for over 22 years and this situation is no different. Everyone else is playing their part and this is ours. There has never been a better time to send someone a gift. From Firebox, from anywhere! Our Isolation Mystery Box offers something different – a welcome distraction, an antidote to the boredom, a burst of humour, sweet release from the 24-hour news frenzy. So why not surprise someone? Show them you miss them, that you love them, that you’re thinking about them – or just treat yourself (you can’t kick that ball of socks into a wicker bin forever). #SpreadJoyNotGerms
