Lamp shade Tropical Lions Blue drum lampshade Lion decor

Stunning fantasy lampshade featuring exotic crowned big cats, designed by FabFunky Exotic forests, mythical creatures and bright tropical colours! FabFunky has brought the urban jungle to life in a range of new quirky designs that fuse original artwork with home lighting in our own truly unique way. For those who look for something more modern, this Infinity lights puzzle light will fit to your decor. Surrounded by a troupe of winged monkeys, our colourful king and queen of the jungle meet in a fantasy forest full of colour and exotic wildlife. Horned cats and crowned beasts watch them from the succulent undergrowth. These shades are created from an original design by artist Kelly Stevens McLaughlan, beautifully printed into a linen/cotton blend fabric that very crisply shows all of the exquisite and very quirky detail of the original artwork. This stylish and highly individual lampshade is a true statement piece, and is an unusual way to display a beautiful piece of art.
