
Landscape Growframe in Emerald

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Ships out in 7 business days. a Full Spectrum Grow Light for Living Green. Light the way to a greener home. Our Landscape Growframe is directly plantable and beautifully frames and thoughtfully nourishes low-to-bright light seeking plants. It is the vital solution for creating a lush plantscape in your home’s sun-deprived spaces. Simply mount, add plants and set the timer. Light is delivered daily to keep your plants happy and brighten your home. – Produces a natural white light with long lifespan LEDs. – Supports healthy growth for vegetative, fruiting and flowering plants. – 8, 12 and 16 hr timer with brightness control that fades on and off like dawn and dusk. Create living art and connect with the natural world anywhere in your abode. Try jade, aloe, pincushion cacti, and ghost plant succulent for a desert scape; bird’s nest fern, maidenhair fern, asparagus fern, and Boston ferns for a forest oasis; and alocasia, crotons, miniature palms, pathos, and philodendron for a tropical paradise. Enjoy flavorful herbs, leafy greens, and other edibles in your kitchen all year long. Try arugula, butterhead, little gem, and mesclun mix for salad greens; basil, parsley, oregano, mint, tarragon, and rosemary for herbal infusion; and broccoli, radish, sunflower, and kale for microgreens!download Instruction Manual

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