Lantern 3D Illusion Light Sculpture

Illusions make great eye candy, but they also serve more serious purposes. Neuroscientists use illusions to gain insights into how our eyes and brains interpret visual information, magicians use illusions to trick spectators, and artists use them to create effects that challenge our perception of what is real and this is what we have done with our 3D illusion light sculptures. Light sculptures with amazing 3D effects that are both eye-catching and useful. They can be used as decorative desk lamp, table lamp for home or office, and as night lights.

Since the launch of our first 3D illusion light sculptures on Kickstarter in August 2014, we have continuously strived to improve our products. As a result we are now offering the fourth version and several more sculpture designs.

The main part of the light is the flat clear acrylic piece on which original 3D sculpture designs are engraved. When it’s not illuminated the flat piece is clear except for the traces of engraving, but once it’s illuminated the flat piece gives the illusion of a 3D form. The 3D forms are original designs created by Blue Pine Studio.
