MIDDLE-EARTH™ – A Selection of Coins
Five solid metal Middle-earth coins from the realms of Hobbits, Elves and Men.
Rivendell™ Moon • Rivendell
– Made in Imladris™ during the rule of Elrond™, this coin depicts the valley of Rivendell and the two ancient trees of gold and silver. Nickel silver.
Lake-town™ 2-Ducat • Lake-town
– Featuring the Master of Lake-town, this coin was made a few years before the town was destroyed by the dragon Smaug in TA 2941. Nickel silver.
The Shire™ Half-Crown • The Shire
– This golden Half-Crown features a lovely chestnut tree. The text describes the denomination and, “Shire, Abode of the Hobbits.”- Minted in Shire Year 1402 (TA 3002), the year that Bilbo settled in Rivendell. Brass.
Iron Mûmak™ • Harad™
– Inscription reads “Palan Harad”, meaning Far Harad. Features a battle ready Mûmak, called an Oliphaunt™ by Hobbits. Iron.
Red Hand of Saruman™ • Isengard™
– Used by the minions of The Dark Lord, The Eye of Sauron is surrounded by the words, OBEY MORDOR. On the reverse, ORODRUIN (Mount Doom) surrounds an image of the nefarious mountain. Copper.
The coins in this set from the world of J. R. R. Tolkien are struck from solid copper, brass, iron and nickel silver, measure 2 to 3.1 cm in diameter, and weigh 2.7 to 13.2 grams. Coin artwork by Greg Franck-Weiby, Tom Maringer, Woody Maringer and Dylan Craig.
The set contains coins treated to look as if they have been handled and circulated within their world. This process is done by hand, and it is both an art and a science. Coloring and patinas will vary. No two sets are exactly the same! Coins are struck one at a time in the USA using antique machinery and traditional coining techniques. A colorful description is included with history, translations, and facts about the coins.