WHISTLER BP 350 AW. Born on the side of a mountain, our Whistler pack delivers amazing performance for wilderness photographers and adventurers who carry an equal measure of camera, video and functional outdoor gear.
WHAT IT HOLDS. This adventure pack holds Pro DSLR (such as Canon 5D Mark iii), up to 4 lenses: 24-70mm, 70-200mm f/2.8, 16-35mm, 50mm, GoPro or similar form factor action video camera, functional outdoor gear, and personal items.
EQUIPPED FOR THE EXTREME. This pack is made of high-performance materials, offers extreme organization, and the technology to comfortably carry the gear you need into any environment. It includes ActivZone, Max Fit, and SlipLock technologies.
ATTACH WITH CONFIDENCE. Multiple heavy-duty attachment points secure all types of heavy gear (such as skis, snowboard, tripods, or other hard-to-carry essentials) without blocking access to the divided camera compartment.
ALL WEATHER PROTECTION. Large expandable wet-gear pocket has a waterproof barrier and drain holes to separate outdoor gear(rope, crampons etc.) from digital gear. Use the detachable All Weather AW Cover for a second level of protection from rain, snow, and debris.