Massive Kit – Ultimate WordPress Plugin

Get all the power of a complete kit for WordPress: Custom Post Types, Form Builder, View Designer, and dozens of integrations.

WordPress is the major CMS in the world, used for various usages: simple blogs, ecommerce, dating, reviews, auctions, events, radio, portfolios, and hundreds more.

Of course, some premium plugins showed a new way to build websites on WordPress: Visual Composer, to visually design posts and pages. The work done is impressive. And, we all have to admit the life is easier since Visual Composer has arrived. And today, Cornerstone is a rising star in this domain.

Pods, or WP Types are amazing, too, regarding the Custom Post Types side. For someone who has specific needs in content management, this is really helpful. Lot of plugins like this can be mentioned here, with no doubt: Flow-Flow, Gravity Forms, Members, EventOn…

But, hey, what’s the final price? You’ll invest hundreds of dollars, if you need several of them. And this is only the starting point of your problems… You will face some others, like incompatibility between ones and others. And invest again if you want an additional feature. And invest again and again to buy a bridge between them (if it exists!). Some of them will follow the WordPress versioning, others won’t.

A simple example: in a hand, I can have Pods to create Custom Post Types. In the other hand, I have Visual Composer to design my pages. But hey, they are not friends! Impossible to design my Pods views in Visual Composer. They do not talk to each other.

For a client, I had to implement a subscription system and an ecommerce system. Just to have a PayPal processor for the payment, I had to invest 79$ (ecommerce) + 197$ (subscription). How can you announce this kind of thing to a client?

You guess: this can be an incredible source of problems, headaches and hair (and money) loss.

The ideal solution? To get all these amazing features in only ONE WordPress plugin. Here are a few lists of benefits:

For the user (website owners)

All the features working together, out-of-the-box.
Better third-party integrations (social networks, payment processors, music platforms, video platforms…)
Easy maintenance: one plugin to maintain
Less bugs, as all is planned to work smoothly from the start
Cheaper, as all the major features are in Massive Kit.
And cheaper again, as you don’t need to buy the same integration several times (one Facebook integration for this plugin and Facebook integration for this one too…)
Ideal solution for websites owners who don’t know the plugin market, write a piece of code…
For web developers / web agencies / web designers

No need to invest in dozens of developer licenses for various plugins
Easy to maintain in case of maintenance contracts
Create apps, export and install them on the customer’s WordPress website
Developer friendly: create your own hooks for Massive Kit
