Mesh Smart Trigger Kit

Simplify your life with MESH smart triggers to make everyday objects smarter. MESH app-enabled, smart triggers can be set to match your needs – whether you’re looking for little ways to automate your home or need a wireless button to take photos on your phone just for fun. Add a smart trigger to just about anything to make it smarter – your alarm clock, coffee maker, garage door, connected light bulb, speaker, wearable, or anything you’d like. You can get started with just one rechargeable, reusable, smart sensor, and the free MESH app puts it all at your fingertips. MESH app is available on IOS and android.

MESH DIY all-seven kit includes a wireless button, an accelerometer an led, 3 sensors, etc.
MESH smart triggers add DIY smart features like automation and wireless control to everyday objects
You can use MESH with Philips hue, smart things, lifx, wemo, nest, Arlo, etc.
A smartphone or tablet is required to run MESH smart triggers which use Bluetooth
MESH is a product incubated at Sony’s seed acceleration program
