
Modern Calligraphy KIT: includes 1 book and 2 pens plus bonus

Modern Calligraphy KIT: includes 1 book and 2 pens plus bonus
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For a limited time only: each kit order will include one additional Tombow dual brush pen in an assorted color! Note: All kits include the book plus a Tombow Fudenosuke hard and soft tip brush pen in black (3 pens total!!). The newest edition of the book has gold foil on the cover page and gold wire binding (not pictured). Ever wanted to learn modern calligraphy lettering but didn’t know how to begin? “Modern Calligraphy: a beginner’s guide to pointed pen and brush pen lettering” includes everything you need to started. This book will cover many of the tools and basics needed to learn pointed pen calligraphy and brush lettering as well as instructions on how to create your own distinct styles. What you get in the book: Total pages: 114 pages Tools for pointed pen and brush lettering (including a list of my favorite pens, papers, nibs) The basics of upstrokes, downstrokes, and common shapes Lettering guides with 3 ways to write each letter of the alphabet (includes step by step instructions for each stroke) Includes 20+ distinct examples of how to write each of the capital letters as well as 10+ distinct ways to write each lowercase letter Instructions on how to create your own distinct style of lettering by varying slant, changing spacing, or adding bounce Includes extra instructions on how to create bubble lettering, add shadows to letters, and create flourishes a list of resources on where to find supplies Please note: This purchase does not include any pointed pen supplies.

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