Nice People Are Creative Print by Danny Ivan

Nice People Are Creative Print by Danny Ivan. Manually numbered, signed, and shipped with a certificate of authenticity, and available on Canvas Prints or Fine Art Paper, both framed or unframed depending on purchase selection. (Black and white frames are made from durable wood with a satin finish.) Canvas Prints: Fine Art Stretched Canvas, 450gsm Matte White finish, 100% cotton. Hand stretched over 1.5 deep wood stretcher bars. Ready to hang & built to last, these canvases are specially treated to prevent surface abrasion and optical brightness. They are hung by a wire that is attached to the wooden frame. Fine Art Paper Prints: Gicle Art Print on 310gsm Fine Art Paper 100% Cotton – Numbered Art Print from Curioos. Curioos takes the greatest care to ensure high quality finishes. They firmly guarantee that all prints stay true to the artist’s original vision. Danny Ivan is a Digital Artist based in Lisbon, Portugal.
