NomNom Bowl

WHISKER FRIENDLY: Dishes are shallow and wide with flat bottoms to reduce whisker fatigue and mealtime stress.
CLEAN FLOORS: Wide Tray catches all the crumbs and drips from your cat’s “enthusiastic” eating.
CHEW PROOF, SAFE MATERIALS: Cats love to chew silicone and softer rubber, but they can choke on bits that they bite off, so for the safety of your cat we make the NomNom out of chew-proof materials.
EASY TO CLEAN: 2 Dishes snap in and out of the tray saving you the hassle of cleaning a normal large, clumsy pet bowl.
STAINLESS STEEL: Food safe stainless steel has no pores or cracks like plastic that can harbor food particles or bacteria. This makes it easier to wash after each meal, and results in safer eating overall.
