One Fast Cat Exercise Wheel

The most rewarding training experience for you and your cat! We’ve seen everything from Persians to Tabby cats running on our wheel, while high energy breeds like Bengals and Sphynx tend to learn the easiest. Please do not buy this wheel if you are not willing to train your cat; some cats take to the wheel naturally, but others will require time to get accustomed to the wheel. In some cases it takes a full month for a cat to learn to walk or run on a wheel.

These are Generation 4 wheels, featuring fewer parts and modified roller blade wheels for greater stability. They are constructed of 100% recycled plastics for a lightweight but sturdy design capable of supporting up to 25 lbs.
The running surface uses EVA foam to cushion the cat’s steps and prevent claws from catching. Wheels can be easily wiped down with a wet towel or hosed down for quick cleaning.
Assembly is required for this wheel, and the completed product is large (48″ diameter). Please review our assembly video online before purchasing to confirm that you will be able to put this item together. Less handy individuals may require the assistance of a friend or family member to complete assembly of the wheel.
