
Orgone Supplies .999 Fine Copper Shavings Metal Art

Orgone Supplies  .999 Fine Copper Shavings  Metal Art
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.999 Pure – Extra Fine Copper Shavings High quality, clean and bright fine copper shavings. These shavings are excellent for use in Orgone devices. Very clean and bright, also very easy to handle and won’t scratch or hurt your skin. More about Copper’s Spiritual Properties: Copper is known as a good conductor of energy, as well as a balancing metal that works with the flow of projective and receptive energies. Copper is known to Shamans and Healers to be a metal that balances the bodys polarities, thereby removing blockages which are responsible for illness or imbalance. Copper is healing for the mind, body and spirit. It provides a harmonic connection between the physical and astral bodies and also can align the subtle bodies. It has been used to amplify and transmit thought and healing energy. Copper has been used with stones and crystals it helps to align the stones individual energy field (since every stone has its own properties). It has also been used to create a unique balance of energy, by combining stone and copper, which remains solely unique to the individual using it. Copper is helpful for balance, communication, and synchronicity. Copper is a great conductor of energy and is useful for all types of spiritual purposes. Many use copper to balance the chakras and meridians. Connecting with the crystals, copper can smoothly transmit their energies to the holder, communicating knowledge from higher realms to the conscious and subconscious mind.

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