Perception Neuron Motion Capture Kit

Perception Neuron Motion Capture Kit

Motion Capture (MoCap) is the process of translating human movement into other mediums such as video games and movies. It has a variety of uses; from sports analysis and medical application to robotics and military use.
The Perception Neuron MOCAP system is based on individual sensors called Neurons. Each is no larger than a penny and weighs just over a gram. A Neuron houses an Inertial Measurement Unit also known as an IMU, with a gyroscope, accelerometer, and magnetometer. The ingenuity of our MOCAP system is that every Neuron is intercheageable and can be placed anywhere it’s needed in an endless number of combinations.

Whether you’re a developer, gamer, VFX pro, researcher or virtual reality pioneer, Perception Neuron is designed to deliver professional results out of the box. With live wired and wireless BVH streaming, export to FBX, and raw data output, every type of user is catered to. In addition, we provide you with an SDK with a C/C++ API and integrations into Unity3D and Unreal Engine. Examples of Oculus Rift application are also included.
