Pip-Boy Model 3000 Mk IV Replica

With an integrated screen and its own on-board software and hardware, this Pip-Boy pairs with your Bluetooth phone or tablet to give you access to your phone’s ability to take and place calls, as well as its contacts, SMS messages, and audio files. Even when not paired, the Pip-Boy: Deluxe Bluetooth Edition® can still be used as an alarm clock or a cosplay prop, displaying the Status, Special, and Perks screens from the game.

Designed to fit most human arms, the Pip-Boy: Deluxe Bluetooth Edition is lined with foam for a comfortable custom fit. Weighing in at just about 2 pounds, the Pip-Boy ensures you know won’t forget it’s there and ready to assist you, but it’s not uncomfortable. And there aren’t any nasty biometric seals on this one, we promise.

The Pip-Boy: Deluxe Bluetooth Edition comes with a genuine RobCo Industries stand that doubles as a charging base and more powerful speaker option when the Pip-Boy is in place. The compartment on top opens to reveal a holotape that’s a USB drive. And it all ships in a Capsule-Case-inspired tin designated for Vault 111 deployment
