R2-D2 Deluxe Silicone Mold

It’s difficult to think of a character in the Star Wars universe that was more heavily relied on than R2-D2. Princess Leia relied on him to bring her pleas of help to Obi-Wan. Luke Skywalker relied on him to help pilot his X-wing and ultimately destroy the first Death Star. Even Queen Amidala depended on R2 to repair her ship’s shields while running the Trade Federation’s blockade of Naboo. Now, you too can rely on this trusty droid to keep your favorite beverages ice cold.

And believe us, R2 knows a thing or two about cold. If the -60 degrees standard of Hoth’s nights weren’t cold enough, the vacuum of space would surely give this epic droid a carnal knowledge of chilling out. Seriously, this is the only civilized way to keep your beverages Hoth frosty.

Officially licensed Star Wars Collectible
Silicone rubber ice tray
6 x 4 x 1 inches
Makes one large droid shaped ice cube and four small
Recommended for ages 14 and up
Stay cool even when you have the death sentence on 12 systems
