ROSSI Stylish Diffuser with Multi-Color Light

Enchant mind and body and spread soft fragrance through any room with the ROSSI aromatherapy diffuser, a USB ultrasonic diffuser that emits a very fine aromatherapy mist. Get great and peaceful nights’ sleep surrounded by the aromatic fragrance while maintaining the beautiful benefits of the essential oil with ROSSI today.

Scent could influence on how we feel in our mind, body and spirit, so it’s important that the environment we live in smells delightful! Simply add a few drops of your preferred essential oil to the water, turn on, and enjoy. Let your favorite scent infuse you room and achieve holistic wellness for body, mind, and spirit.

ROSSI disperses the mist by vaporizing the water into the air with soft streams of vapor that can benefit dry skin, and itchy throats, eyes and sinuses. The vapor produced by the essential oils can soften skin while you relax or sleep and humidify the area to keep moisture in and prevent cracked skin, irritated sinuses, and allergies from air that’s too dry. The vapor can also neutralize static that so often accompanies dry, cold rooms filled with winter air.

Essential oils provide a healthier and safer alternative to candles, air fresheners, and room sprays that are often filled with harmful chemicals and artificial scents. These oils can help to optimize respiratory health by purifying the air and helping you to breathe better. A wide range of essential oils (purchase separately) can be used with the ROSSI diffuser to revitalize and enhance your energy and mood, reduce anxiety, and increase relaxation so you stay healthy through all levels of wellness. Get a good night’s sleep with soft scents like lavender or chamomile or energize the room with bergamot and lemongrass. Whichever essential oil you choose, the ROSSI diffuser let’s you customize scents for whatever effect you desire.

The ROSSI diffuser creates a relaxed and peaceful ambiance with sight as well as smell and comes with multicolored LED lights to delight the senses. Use it as a nightlight to add a bit of light to sleep time or customize your diffuser to change between seven different colors for a fun multihued addition to liven up any room. The diffuser’s whisper quiet ultrasonic operation makes this an ideal option for tranquil nighttime repose or daytime meditation.
