Sip for Peace 2018 – A Month-of-Tea Celebration

“Come along inside . . . We’ll see if tea and buns can make the world a better place.” — Kenneth Grahame

Sip for Peace Motto

“No one alive has experienced global peace. There is no shared vision or language. I believe that Tea has the potential to empower individuals to reclaim a personal sense of peace and inspire a vision of what could be. We can share a simple practice – Sip for Peace.”

— Babette Donaldson, Founder, International Tea Sippers Society

“Sip for Peace” Goals

Our goal is to create some of the feeling of a live tea festival in this virtual venue to generate an experience of personal peace and the vision of planetary peace. We believe we are engaging a international tea drinking community to use the existing resources to imagine a world without war.

What is “Sip for Peace”?

One annual tradition for the Tea Sippers Society is to celebrate January as the Month of Tea. Our theme for January 2018 Sip for Peace.

Join tea lovers from around the world to blend visions of World Peace with the peaceful flavor of peace.

Receive daily emails pair a meditation on tea and peace with an exploration of thirty-one tea growing regions.
Taste the Global Tea Blend – a limited edition blend of green tea from these thirty-one regions.
Share a Sip In event with family, friends or a community group; Schools, Libraries, Reading Groups, Meet-ups, Tearooms.
All Tea Sippers Society Members receive the daily emails and are encouraged to read the content, expand to consider how our world will be different without war.

