SleepPhones Wireless Headphones

Headphones reinvented for use in bed! SleepPhones® Wireless are sleek, Bluetooth-enabled wireless headphones hidden in a soft, comfortable headband that make listening to audio in bed a dream.

No bulky components. No tangly wires. Audio made easy.

SleepPhones® Wireless are a simple, comfortable way to reclaim your personal audio space in bed. You must have a Bluetooth music player such as most smart phones (including the iPhone) or a computer.


Built-in volume control
play/pause Wireless range: 15-30 feet (5-10 meters)
Battery life: 8-12 hours
Charging time: 2 hours
Patented headphones-in-a-headband design for soft superior fit all night long
Removable speakers and machine washable headband
Satisfaction Guaranteed
