Solar Road Shower 2

Solar Road Shower 2
With the Road Shower you can have pressurized water wherever you go!
It will heat the water while you drive and can be ready to give you a high pressure hot shower.
Hot or cold, the Road Shower has many uses: from the camp hose for dishes, a pressurized jet to rinse off dirty gear, a gentle spray for the pets, or for extra drinking water. There are no electrical parts to connect or propane to hook up. It is almost maintenance free and should last you many years. The water is there when you need it!

Road Shower 2 model features:
On/Off valve at elbow so you can easily remove the hose or attach a longer hose while pressurized.
Locking loop to lock your unit with a cable style bike lock to your rack
LCD thermometer which will show you the temperature in F and C
Standard American GHT (Garden Hose Threads) on both ends of the hose
Beefier mounting brackets with stainless bolts and nuts
Brass and chrome high end spray nozzle
Stainless steel mounting bolts and nuts.
