
SOLID Lobster Rope Mat-34×21

SOLID Lobster Rope Mat-34×21
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This listing is for a Custom Lobster rope rug/mat made from new rope featuring a solid design in your choice of colors! They are guaranteed to lye flat and not bulge. These mats are extremely durable, waterproof and stain proof. Each mat is custom and made to order. Aprrox. 34l x 21w. These are great for in front of your front door, wiping boots from mud or after gardening. They also work great in the bathroom, as a garden mat, on the deck, boat or rv. Other uses ive found include, under animal crates to protect the floors and also as a pet mat since i havent seen a pet who doesnt love to hang out on them! Simply rinse with a hose to come clean. Each piece is hand spliced the same way we splice rope together to hold traps on the bottom of the ocean which makes them impossible to unravel. If you have a custom size or design in mind, or wish to use recycled rope, do not hesitate to send me a message!

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