Space Invaders Area Rug

The Official Space Invaders Rug 100% Polyester Pile Size- 3 ft X 6 ft Dimensions: 52″ Round New with Tags and labels Shipped Sealed. 100% Polyester Pile Product Care: This rug has been pressed packed and as result an element of crushing may be noticeable when you unroll your rug, lay flat and allow the pile to condition at room temperature for 2-3 days, then brush or vacuum as normal to allow the pile to recover. Maintenance: Vacuum or brush regularly. Please use a suction only vacuum cleaner. Clean spills immediately. Never rub a spill. Blot liquids with a dry absorbent white cloth or paper towel.

The Official Space Invaders Black Game Screen Rug (6 ft)
Officially Licensed Product
100% Polyester Pile
