Spin Chill Beer Cooler Tool

SpinChill uses convection to cool your beer in less than a minute! Our waterproof, pocket sized device spins beer cans, beer bottles, soda cans, and wine bottles in ice to dramatically increase heat transfer and get your drinks cold 20 times faster than other methods. The spinning does not shake the container and actually results in less foam than usual.

Cooling a container of liquid without spinning relies entirely on conduction all the way from the outside of the can to the center of the liquid. As the outside layers of liquid cool, they insulate the inner layers, hindering the cooling process.

SpinChilling the container introduces a mixing phenomenon known as convection which allows the warm liquid in the center of the container to make its way to the outer edges of the can to be cooled instantly. This increases the rate of heat transfer and cools the beverage down at a rate of at least 20 times faster.

It all has to do with the air pocket. A ‘carbonated beverage’ is one in which carbon dioxide is dissolved in the liquid under pressure (Henry’s Law). When the can is opened, the liquid inside starts to equalize with the pressure in the atmosphere, and the CO2 comes out of solution to do so. All carbonated beverages fizz upon opening, but whether they fizz over (liquid comes out of the container) depends on how fast the CO2 comes out of solution.

In order for CO2 to come out of solution, it needs a ‘nucleation site’ to do so. Those nucleation sites can either be gaseous pockets, or a tiny scratch on the wall. (Look at how a stream of bubbles form at a specific spot on a glass of champagne. You can’t see it, but that spot is a microscopic scratch.)
